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iOS Vulnerabilities

Apple: 'Many' iOS Vulnerabilities Mentioned in CIA Leak Are Already Patched

March 8, 2017

Responding to the latest Wikileaks dump apparently containing classified information from the CIA, Apple released a statement saying ‘most’ of the described iOS vulnerabilities are already patched.

Already patched

Already patched

Here’s Apple complete statement sent to a number of media outlets:

Apple is deeply committed to safeguarding our customers’ privacy and security. The technology built into today’s iPhone represents the best data security available to consumers, and we’re constantly working to keep it that way. Our products and software are designed to quickly get security updates into the hands of our customers, with nearly 80 percent of users running the latest version of our operating system. While our initial analysis indicates that many of the issues leaked today were already patched in the latest iOS, we will continue work to rapidly address any identified vulnerabilities. We always urge customers to download the latest iOS to make sure they have the most recent security updates.

Early yesterday, Wikileaks published 8,761 documents it claims shows the CIA both developed and obtained zero-day exploits for iOS devices. Those are newly discovered vulnerabilities that haven’t been patched.

The documents, Wikileaks said, shows that the U.S. intelligence agency “lost control” of the majority of this malware.

While the information in the documents is definitely troubling, the best way to make sure your iOS devices are safe is to download and install the latest version of iOS.