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HTML5 Gaming in Mad World

HTML5 Gaming Might Come Into Its Own With Mad World

Pocket Gaming
July 12, 2017

A new Mass Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) is in the works that is truly multi-platform. It’s being billed as the world’s first cross-platform MMORPG powered by HTML5, and I believe that might be accurate. The name of the game is Mad World, and it looks terrific. We’ve known for some time that HTML5 gaming had potential, and it looks like that’s about to come to fruition.

What’s the Big Deal About HTML5 Gaming?

What’s the Big Deal About HTML5 Gaming?

HTML5 has one major benefit (other than the fact that it’s not Flash): it’s automatically multi-platform. That means it will function the same on a mobile or desktop device, and it shouldn’t matter whether the operating system is iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, or macOS.

In essence, such a game should work in any browser with an internet connection. If the aims of Mad World are achieved, it will be playable by anybody, anywhere in the world, on almost any platform. The game will allow people to play against or with each other regardless of whether they’re on an iPhone, Windows PC, or any other mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer.

All About Mad World

All About Mad World

There are numerous examples of HTML5 gaming, but I’ve yet to see anything with the breadth and scope of Mad World. It’s a combat-focused MMORPG with a hand-drawn two-dimensional artistic style. The game features a weapons-based skill tree that expands with your character. There are no apps to download, since everything is served directly through the web browser.


Mad World is advertised as having “madly” addictive combat, with massively multiplayer entertainment. From the looks of it in the first action trailer, it definitely seems like it would be hard to put down. You can choose Player versus Player (PvP), or Player versus Environment (PvE). If it all comes together, Mad World may just take the planet by storm.

The game is scheduled for world-wide release sometime in 2018. Keep on eye out here and on Jandisoft’s page and social media for more updates as they continue to develop the game.