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iPhone 8 Concept

This iPhone 8 Concept Looks Awesome

iPhone 8 Concept
February 1, 2017

A new video posted by ConceptsiPhone on YouTube depicts the rumored iPhone 8 concept in a way that quite frankly looks awesome.

At first, the rumored iPhone 8 looks very much like the current iPhone 7 Plus, but as the front of the device gets revealed it becomes quite clear at how different this design could be.

What’s interesting is that in this particular concept, the Home button hasn’t actually been removed. Instead, the button is still there, like it is on the current iPhone 7 Plus, but it’s part of the display itself and it offers a variety of dynamic features based on the app you’re using. It’s almost being treated here like the TouchBar on the new MacBook Pros.

Either way, it looks pretty cool. You can check out more information on iPhone 8 rumors in our roundup post here.