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Season of Abyss Arrives in Sky: Children of the Light

January 19, 2022

To start off the year, Sky: Children of the Light has just added a new season for players.

You’ll be diving down into the deep in Season of the Abyss.

The season is set in the new Golden Wasteland area and follow the story of the Abyss Guide and four spirits who once explored the waters. Above the surface, you’ll be able to unlock a number of prizes like masks, capes, outfits, and more.

With the new diving ability, you can explore an expanded area and find a new form of meditation to teach your avatar. Divers can complete five Seasonal Quests, swing alongside Light Creatures, and explore secrets in the deep waters.

Apple’s 2019 iPhone Game of the Year, Sky: Children of the Light is a beautiful social adventure that continues to impress with each new season.

Sky: Children of the Light is designed for the iPhone and iPad. It can be downloaded now on the App Store for free.

The Season of Abyss can be unlocked by purchasing the Adventure Season Pass for $9.99. You’ll receive 30 bonus Season candles.