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Snapchat Update Brings a Universal Search Bar, Nice Redesign

Digital Communicator
January 23, 2017

Originally announced earlier this month, a big Snapchat update has just hit the App Store.

Simple searching

Simple searching

Easily the nicest new feature is a universal search bar. That will allow you to quickly find your current contacts along with other users and content. Accessible anywhere in the app, you can jump to a contact, view their profile, and more.

The other sections off the enormously popular app are sporting a new and streamlined look.

Also, the app is now allowing anyone to submit content to the Our Story feature.

Here’s a quick look at how the universal search feature works.

Download now

Download now

Snapchat is designed for the iPhone/iPod touch and can be downloaded now on the App Store for free.

At least for new users, Snapchat’s previous design was not exactly well-known to be easy to use. But with this new update, Snapchat could easily rope in more users and maybe even get more people to buy the surprisingly popular Snapchat Spectacles.

Snap, Inc.