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With a new rewards program, Starbucks unveils an updated iPhone app

You can now use a free reward when placing a mobile order
April 13, 2016

The popular Starbucks app has just received an update to version 4.0 to coincide with some controversial changes to the coffee goliath’s reward program.

Some big changes

Some big changes

Previously, Starbucks app users could earn a free drink or food rewards after earning 12 stars. You’d receive a star after each visit to a location – no matter what amount you spent. But the new program, which went into affect earlier this week, changes that.

Now, to snag a free drink or food item, you’ll need to earn 125 stars. In the new program, buyers will receive two stars for every dollar they spend. So you’ll need to spend a little more than $60 to get some free goodies.

Any new members to the program will now start at the Green Level and will have to collect 300 stars in a 12 month period to move to the Gold Level and be able to earn a free drink or food item.

A new look to the app

A new look to the app
You'll need to spend a little more than $60 to earn a reward.

You'll need to spend a little more than $60 to earn a reward.

The biggest change in the app is the new look to the dashboard. Along with being able to view any rewards, stars, and offers, it will show you exactly how many stars are needed until reaching a reward.

As a nice touch, rewards can now also be used when placing a mobile order – a big omission in previous app versions. The company is also promising an improved mobile ordering experience for VoiceOver users.

The Starbucks app is designed for the iPhone/iPod touch and can be downloaded now on the App Store for free.

Back in late 2015, Starbucks announced that sometime in the second quarter of this year coffee fans will be able to pay for their order with Apple Pay. No further information has been announced.

Apple Watch users can also take advantage of the app on their wearable device.

Download the app now

Starbucks Coffee Company