Janus Is A Truly Private Note-Taking App

Janus Mobile Notes (Free) by Giacomo Tufano is a note-taking app that supports encrypted cloud sync and storage.
Because many of us now use multiple devices, we want our notes to be available on all of them. Plenty of apps now synchronize across devices, but few actually support encryption.
If you browse through App Store reviews for some of the popular note-taking apps, you’ll see encryption being mentioned quite frequently.
Janus is an app that finally gives people with privacy concerns what they’ve been requesting. It’s a note-taking app that syncs across multiple devices and supports encryption.

Although having your notes synced securely is nice, the app itself has to be functional and usable. Thankfully, Janus is just as easy to use as any other note-taking app. It’s not as well designed as Vesper or Day One, but it doesn’t look too bad either.
Creating a note is as easy as it is in the default iOS Notes app. Unlike with the default app however, Janus lets you attach multiple links, photos, and audio recordings to each note. There are also customization options that allow you to change font styles, sizes, and background colors.
By default, your notes are only stored on the device. If you want them backed up to the cloud and synced across your devices, you need to connect Janus to your Dropbox account. If you don’t have a Dropbox account yet, you can create one for free.
Once your notes have synced with Dropbox, you can turn encryption on. All you need to do is pick a password that you won’t forget. The whole process of setting up cloud sync and encryption takes no longer than a minute or two.
Strangely for an app that is all about privacy and security, there is no PIN lock option.

The only reason you’d use this app as your note-taking solution is its focus on privacy and security. If encryption isn’t your biggest concern, I’d recommend sticking with your current setup.
You can get Janus Mobile Notes for both the iPhone and iPad free in the App Store.
If you’re still looking for the ultimate note-taking solution, take a look at this AppGuide.
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