CardFlick Adds New Level Of Customization With InstaCards
March 6, 2012
CardFlick, the beautifully designed app that lets you share digital business cards with a simple flick on your iPhone's screen, has been updated again today.
The most noticeable change in version 1.6.0 of CardFlick is its icon, which now shows a card tucked in a denim pocket instead of a boring blue up arrow. Beyond the rather inconsequential app icon redesign, the new update brings a couple of significant new features. First, private flicking is now supported in the app. With it you can see who is available in your current location to exchange business cards with as well as select more users to flick to privately.
Second, and in my view more exciting, is the added layer of card customization through InstaCards. InstaCards is actually a feature that is available only on the app's companion website, but it is nonetheless integrated in the app in some way. InstaCards lets you easily create customized business cards on the Web, with support for using your photos from Instagram and Facebook. Although InstaCards is a Web-only feature, the cards that you design using it can still be accessed and shared in CardFlick. The update also adds new themes to the already impressive collection of elegant themes of the app, including Bold, Firetank, Presence, Workspace, Instabam, and Timeline.
CardFlick, which is designed for iPhone and iPod touch, is still free to download in the App Store.