Forecast Not So Bright For Aelios Weather For iPad App
September 25, 2012
When Apple decided to introduce their own Maps app with iOS 6, it just didn’t mean the end of Google Maps on the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. It also meant the demise of one of the App Store’s most beautiful weather apps for iPad.
According to a posting left earlier this month on the Jilion blog, Aelios Weather for iPad has been removed from sale. The reason is that the app was “tightly designed and built around” Google Maps.
In addition, they state that “Apple’s new mapping service looks nice, but we don’t yet know if it will allow Aelios to work the way we intended.”
This news is upsetting for a number of reasons.
For one, it is bad news for companies like Aelios who have created apps for iOS, but now must make costly changes just to stay alive. For another, something like this is bad for customers, who might switch to another app as they see their favorite one become inoperable.
Hopefully, Aelios will soon be back online. In the meantime, the app remains fully operational on iOS 4 and iOS 5 devices.
Note: Aelios will startup on iOS 6, however, most of its key features are inoperable.
For further reading, be sure to check out Google Maps Won’t Be Returning To iOS Anytime Soon and Apple Speaks Out About Buggy iOS 6 Maps App.