Now Integrated With New Google Maps App, Localscope Goes The Freemium Way
January 3, 2013
Localscope has just broadened its scope – as far as its integration with other services is concerned, that is.
Designed for iPhone and iPod touch, Localscope is an app that provides a better look at locations of interest. It does this by displaying different types of geotagged information from quite a few integrated services.
One of these services is Google Maps. Localscope has long been offering integration with the popular mapping service. But it's only now that it's been updated with support for the new Google Maps app for iOS, which was released last month.
A manifestation of this improved integration is the options menu that appears when you tap "Get directions" in a location result from Google Maps. This options menu allows you to choose between navigating with Apple's built-in Maps app and navigating with the Google Maps app.
Aside from support for the new Google Maps app, integration with NaviBridge by Denso, Gokivo Navigator, and Geobyte UK & Ireland is included in the update.
Note, though, that these services are part of Localscope's new annual premium membership package.
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Previously available for $1.99, Localscope is now free to download. With the free version, you can enjoy the app's integration with Google Maps, Facebook, YouTube, and the iOS Reminders app.
But with the premium version, which can be unlocked in-app for $1.99 per year, you get 11 more services for local information: Instagram, Flickr, Picasa, Twitter, Foursquare, Wikipedia, Wikimapia, Google+ Local, Factual, Yelp, and Citysearch.
In addition, you get to benefit from the app's integration with NaviBridge, Gokivo Navigator, Geobyte UK & Ireland, and 13 more apps for turn-by-turn directions: Navigon, TomTom, MotionX GPS Drive, MotionX GPS, MotionX GPS HD, VZ Navigator, TeleNav, MetroView Australia, MetroView New Zealand, Navmii/Navfree, Sygic GPS, iGo primo, and Magellan Roadmate.
But if you're one of the users who have purchased the app prior to this new freemium version, Localscope has great news for you. As in the newly freemium-ized Avocado, if you're an early user, you're automatically upgraded to a premium membership for free and for life.
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