Cydia Tweak: Message Box Puts Facebook Chat Heads Anywhere In iOS
by Dom Esposito
April 26, 2013
I think it’s safe to say that some iOS users felt a little left out when Facebook announced that system wide Chat Heads would only be available in Facebook Home on Android devices. Because iOS isn’t an open platform, Facebook lacked the resources it needed to implement a Facebook Home overlay for iDevices.
Luckily, Apple doesn’t have control over the jailbreak community, and thanks to Adam Bell, Facebook Chat Heads are now available all throughout iOS. Adam has developed a Cydia tweak called Message Box that will take the Chat Heads feature that's available in the Facebook app and set it free. Don’t believe me? Have a look for yourself.
Check out our video overview below:
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This tweak is very smooth. As you can see in our video overview, Message Box performs flawlessly. The implementation is perfect and you’ll soon forget that a tweak made all of this possible. The Chat Heads will remain on top of any app you launch and can easily be closed by dragging them towards the bottom of the screen. You can also position them just about anywhere along the inner borders of your screen. It’s important to note that Message Box only works when the Facebook app is running in the background. If you’re an avid Facebook user, this is a tweak you don’t want to miss out on. Message Box is only compatible with jailbroken devices running iOS 6 or higher. Once you've installed Message Box, reboot your device. Next, launch the Facebook app and open up a new conversation. When you leave the Facebook app, the Chat Head will remain on top of the home screen or any other app that you launch. Keep in mind that Message Box is still in beta so there may be a few minor bugs, but overall, it works great. Currently, Message Box is available in the BigBoss repository for free. Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments. For other great Cydia tweaks check out: Color Code Your Recent Calls With Prime, Give Your Lock Screen A New Look With Atom, and NotesTweak Adds Many Useful Features To The Notes App.