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Big Action Mega Fight Offers Huge Moustaches, Exploding Chickens And More

Big Action Mega Fight Offers Huge Moustaches, Exploding Chickens And More

September 14, 2013
One forthcoming iOS game offers iDevice users huge moustaches, exploding chickens, and a beat 'em up gaming environment. What more could you possibly want? Called Big Action Mega Fight, this appropriately-titled app allows players to take control of protagonist Brick, a moustachioed macho fighter who's been charged with the task of cleaning the streets of mohawked criminals. Oh, and there are exploding chickens on every corner, too (though don't ask us why). Upgrades and power-ups adorn the app, according to Pocket Gamer, who adds:
The setting is your standard cartoon urban streets and industrial backdrops, with rough gangs and punks presenting a threat. There's multiple playable characters, each with their own move sets, and chicken-bombs. Lots of chickens, in fact.
From what we understand, Big Action Mega Fight is set to hit the App Store in the near future. We'll let you know once the game becomes available. In the meantime, check out the below gameplay video of the forthcoming app.

If you can't see the above video, please click this link.

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