Cydia Tweak: QuickStore 2 Can Launch Pop-Up, More Convenient App Store Links
If you’re often browsing through app news here at AppAdvice, the chances are you find clicking on one of our App Store links from an iOS device to be rather cumbersome, since you’re directed away from us and over to the App Store iOS app. Thanks to a new jailbreak tweak – called QuickStore 2 – however, this annoying quirk can be fixed for just $0.99.
After you’ve got the new jailbreak tweak downloaded and installed, jailbroken iOS device users should find that App Store links – like this one – open in a pop-up interface, rather than routing users away from the iOS app they’re currently in and over to the App Store application. This is a much better solution for iOS users, since it’s no longer necessary for iOS device owners to switch between apps when browsing through applications.
QuickStore 2 adds a new preferences pane to the built-in Settings app, and here users can configure how the package works. You can enable or disable the jailbreak tweak outright, or you can set a list of apps in which QuickStore 2 is disabled.
There’s also a toggle which enables purchased iOS apps to be downloaded using Spotlight.
QuickStore 2 is optimized for iOS 7, and it supports Apple’s ARM64-devices. As mentioned, you can download the new jailbreak tweak in the Cydia Store for $0.99.
Check out the new package now, or for more of our recent news, see: Make Cupid Jealous With These Valentine’s Day Apps, Walmart Drops The Price On The iPad 2, Adds Incentives For Phone Upgrades, and Cydia Tweak: LockSafe Adds A Private, Secure Photo Locker To Your Lock Screen.