BBC's iPlayer Radio For iOS To Offer Downloads 'Later This Year'
The BBC has announced (albeit informally) that its iPlayer Radio application is set to receive support for show downloads “later this year.” The move, which will be appreciated by users of the free app, means fans of British radio will no longer need to rely on the BBC's range of podcasts in order to listen to content offline.
News concerning the BBC's intentions surfaced in a recent Twitter exchange between the BBC iPlayer Radio Twitter account (@BBCiPlayerRadio) and a selection of users. In a public reply, the BBC account noted that the BBC Trust “approved proposals to offer BBC radio content for download,” and added in the same update that the feature is “coming later this year.”
This is great news indeed – even if, as one Twitter user pointed out, the BBC Trust actually approved show downloads back in 2013.
Nevertheless, it looks as if the feature is going to arrive as part of the BBC's big push to revamp its online iPlayer service. The BBC announced back in March that it'll be offering exclusive on-demand content through iPlayer, and the Web interface received a facelift not long ago.
For iPlayer Radio users sporting a smartphone, however, the aforementioned update can't come soon enough. We'll let you know once the BBC sends out its promised update.
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Via: Gizmodo UK