Experience A Racing Game And A Comic Book In A Single App With SXPD
SXPD is touted by developer Little Chicken as “essentially the world's first true game-comic book hybrid.” While its primacy as such may be open to question, SXPD indeed constitutes a fusion of a game and a comic book.
SXPD is a racing game on one hand and a digital comic book on the other. You see, to fully experience SXPD, you have to play and read through each of the game's six chapters, alternating between its game and comic book components. Talk about a story-driven game!
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here.But what's the story that runs through SXPD, anyway? Well, featuring stylish monochromatic art by comic book artist Duke Mighten (of Batman: Book of Shadows and Judge Dredd fame), SXPD follows the titular female police force as it tries to thwart a secret order's plans to destroy New Royale, the fictional privately owned 52nd state of America.
Compatible with iPad running iOS 5.1 or later, SXPD is available now in the App Store for $1.99.
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