Pixelbite Announces Reckless Racing 3, But Details Are Scarce
Developer Pixelbite has confirmed that Reckless Racing 3, a new app in the popular “Reckless Racing” series, is set to launch on iOS this coming fall.
However, as of this writing, news concerning the upcoming title is scarce: besides the anticipated fall release date and the above in-game screenshot (which is definitely from a work-in-progress version of the app), little else concerning Reckless Racing 3 is known.
We’re nevertheless looking forward to seeing the app launch, not the least because the previous games in the series – Reckless Racing 2, which launched in 2012, and Reckless Racing – are a lot of fun.
For a closer look at the game series, check out the below trailer for Reckless Racing 2, which hit the Web a couple of years ago:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pY8LPMZ8GEIf you can’t see the above video, please click this link.
We’ll keep a close eye on Reckless Racing 3’s development and will keep you updated with further news as we receive it.
In the meantime, iOS gamers can enjoy taking the first Reckless Racing game for a spin – it’s available on the App Store for $0.99.
The sequel, Reckless Racing 2, is available for the higher price of $1.99.
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Via: TouchArcade