Simply swipe to purge your iOS device of unwanted photos using the cat-themed Purrge
Since Apple opened up its Photos API to third-party developers in iOS 8, a number of photo deletion apps have become available, including the Tinder-like Flic, the cleanup tool Cleen, and the screenshot-only Screeny. And now, here comes the seductively named Purrge.
Purrge is a cat-themed photo deletion app that lets you purge unwanted items from your photo library using simple swipe gestures — or as The Next Web alliteratively puts it, “in fine feline fashion.”
In its grid view, Purrge lets you swipe across multiple photos to select them all at once, although you can still tap to select photos one at a time.
And in its single photo view, the app lets you swipe up to delete the current photo, or swipe sideways to switch between photos.
After purging photos using Purrge, you get to free up precious space on your iOS device. Of course, the freeing-up is not immediate, since, in accordance with iOS 8 protocol, purged photos are moved first to the Photos app's Recently Deleted folder, where they're set to be deleted for good after 30 days.
Purging of entire folders, including the Recently Deleted folder, is said to be one of the features being planned for Purrge, along with deletion of burst photos and videos.
See also: Diptic updated with CanvasPop integration and landscape mode support on iPhone 6 Plus, First #Homescreen update lets you easily compare iPhone home screens with your friends, and Polaroid takes a shot at photo-a-day journaling by rebranding Blipfoto.
Image via WikiHow
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