Listen up, meatbag! Carrot Weather has made its way to the Apple TV
It’s not exactly surprising, but after just a few days, the Apple TV’s App Store is full of a number of interesting games – everything from console-quality shooters to fun and unique family-friendly titles like Beat Sports.
But you don’t need to be a gamer to enjoy using apps on Apple’s latest set-top box. Popular, and hysterical, Carrot Weather is also available to download for the device.
Weather with an attitude
If you’re not familiar with the entire series of Carrot apps, you’re in for a good laugh. Instead of just providing the usual conditions and forecast, the Carrot robot delivers the weather with trademark sharp and sardonic wit. And everything about the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch app does a great job transferring over to the big screen.
When starting up the app for the first time, much like on an iOS device, you’ll need to give Carrot Weather permission to access your location. After that is complete, you’ll be greeted with an overview of local weather.
Along with important information like current temperature, humidity, and air pressure, you’ll see a short-term forecast that shows the outlook for the next 18 hours. You can also switch over to a detailed hourly or daily forecast. It even shows any relevant weather alerts.
Just whatever you do, don’t poke Carrot’s ocular sensor.
To see the weather in another location, just click the bottom right part of the screen and you can search by ZIP code or the actual location name.
The more you use the app, you can also unlock the weather for a number of “secret” locations like Mount Doom, the Wyoming Badlands during dinosaur times, and others.
Unlike the iOS app, the TV version doesn’t include some features like the fun time machine or a radar map littered with easter eggs. I’m especially hopeful that a radar will be added in a future update, as that seems to be a natural option to display on the TV screen.
Carrot Weather for the Apple TV can be downloaded now on the tvOS App Store for $3.99. Just to note, even if you’ve previously purchased the app for iOS devices, you’ll need to pay once again to download this version.
That’s an interesting trend as many other Apple TV apps are universal, meaning once you download the iOS version, the tvOS experience is unlocked.
But in this case, I think the small price is definitely worth it to bring the hysterical app to the big screen. It took time and resources for developer Grailr to create the new app, and I’ll happily pay to enjoy the fruits of their labor. And any Apple TV owner who is looking for a unique and hysterical way to view the weather should too.
The iOS app, which is designed for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad/iPad mini, is also $3.99 and can be downloaded now. For an in-app purchase of $1.99 per year, you can unlock the premium subscription which includes more frequent weather updates, rain predictions, and additional Apple Watch complications.
An update last week brought 3D Touch functionality inside the app itself for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus users. That version of the app has also added six new secret, and fun, locations for you to find. There is also more season-specific dialogue from Carrot.
For other recent Apple TV app news, see: Twitter comes to the Apple TV, courtesy of AirFeed, Disney Infinity 3.0 brings the Battle of Yavin to your Apple TV, and Get the latest news on Apple TV with Haystack TV.