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pandora radio
Pandora App Was Born Through Jailbreaking

Pandora App Was Born Through Jailbreaking

It might seem strange, but the App Store has only been around for three years. Beforehand, Apple was the only company to officially offer apps for the iPhone, with all the others created by jailbreakers. Now comes word than one of the most popular apps around today, Pandora, actually got its start thanks to the jailbreaking community.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Now That Is Funny: Pandora Radio Adds Comedy To Its Lineup

Pandora, the free Internet radio service, is adding a few jokes to its repertoire of music. Beginning this week the service, which is available online and through a free universal app, now includes 10,000 clips by 700 comedians. The addition of comedy channels is automatic and doesn't require an app update.