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Alto's Odyssey

Alto's Odyssey Developer Snowman Says the Game Will Take 'A Little While Longer'

Pocket Gaming
August 22, 2017

Originally scheduled to land this summer, Alto’s Odyssey will “take a little while longer.”

That’s according to a new blog post from developer Snowman:

As a small studio striving to make sure everything we release is lasting and artful, we’re firm believers that much of what makes an experience magical lies in the little touches. The care and polish provided to make sure people are truly delighted.

On that note, we’re announcing today that Alto’s Odyssey is going to take a little while longer to bring to life. The endless desert still awaits, and it’s even vaster and more mysterious than we envisioned when we first conceptualized a new adventure for Alto and friends. We can’t wait to show it to you, when the time is right.

First announced back in late 2016, the game will see Alto head from the snowy mountains of the original to the desert.

In the meantime, if you haven’t experienced the original, it can be downloaded now for $4.99 on the App Store and can be played on the iPhone/iPod touch, all iPad models, and even the Apple TV.

The original game

Alto's Adventure
Alto's Adventure