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The AppAdvice tech week in review: Earth Day apps and the 'Apple Watch S'

The unveiling of the next Apple Watch is just weeks away
April 17, 2016

A mostly quiet week in tech unveiled Cupertino’s plans for the next Apple Watch and more.

Top news stories

Top news stories

Earth Day is almost here
Top news stories

Everything is turning green

To celebrate Earth Day, Apple is promoting “Apps for Earth.” From now until Sunday, April 24, proceeds (including in-app purchases) from 27 popular apps will be given to the World Wildlife Fund. Among our favorites: Enlight, The Earth by Tinybop, and VSCO.

Earth Day 2016 is Friday, April 22.

Get them:

Lightricks Ltd.
The Earth by Tinybop
The Earth by Tinybop
Tinybop Inc.
Visual Supply Company

The “Apple Watch S”

It looks like Apple’s upgrade cycle for its Apple Watch is going to mirror its iPhone line. As such, 2016 will be the year of Cupertino’s so-called “Apple Watch S,” before the company releases a major design overhaul in 2017.

The new Apple Watch will offer “spec improvements with limited changes to form factor design,” signalling a so-called “s” upgrade instead of more significant hardware changes.

Production on the Apple Watch S is expected to begin soon.

Other news:

On the App Store

On the App Store

Our favorites revealed
On the App Store

AppAdvice’s AppLists are popular. These lists are now being updated through a series of posts. Among the lists revealed during the past week: Games That Are GorgeousThe Best Untraditional News Apps, and Games For The Whole Family.

Expect more lists in the coming weeks and months.

Other app news:

Get them:

Rebus Zone: Crazy Logic Riddles
Rebus Zone: Crazy Logic Riddles
Oleksandr Burtnyk
Cubes - Addictive Puzzle Game
Cubes - Addictive Puzzle Game
SERIST - Your Personal TV Show Tracker
SERIST - Your Personal TV Show Tracker
Airmail - Your Mail With You
Airmail - Your Mail With You
Bloop S.R.L
Accessory news

Accessory news

Cases for your new 9.7-inch iPad Pro
Accessory news

For the iPad mini and iPad Air, you can buy a single Smart Case that covers the front and back of your iPad. Not so for the iPad Pro. You can get the same coverage, but you need to buy the Smart Cover and Silicone Case separately. There are advantages to having them as two separate pieces, but it does make full coverage a lot more expensive.

For our full report, click here.

See also: 7 great cases for your new 9.7-inch iPad Pro.

What will be making news next week? Stay with AppAdvice to find out.

Brent Dirks, Karen FreemanSandy Stachowiak, and Joe White contributed to this report.