AppAdvice Goes Hands-On With The New iPhone And, Yes, We Washed Afterward
The iPhone 5, showing off Passbook on the larger screen. Nice use of the extra space.
http://youtu.be/Vcwv5UvHzNACheck out this video of Passbook in action. If you are having trouble viewing this clip, click here for a direct link to it on YouTube.
Now that is a Maps app worth using.
The bottom of the iPhone 5, showing the smaller connector dock and dual speaker system.
Here is a closeup of that "Lightning" connector that we heard about.
Wow, iPhone 5, you really have slimmed down. What's your secret?
Baby got back.
Tyler goes hands-on ... with the Foo Fighters?
Did we mention that Apple has totally revamped their headphones? They call them Earpods, we call them iBuds.
On to the white model!
From the side.
Don't turn your back on me, now.
Which one ... which one?!
Ebony and ivory, live together in perfect harmony...
May we now present to you, for the first time, Mr. and Ms. iPhone 5. Please throw bird seed in lieu of rice. Well, that is a pretty good view of every angle of the iPhone 5, plus a pretty good angle of Dave Grohl. Thanks Tyler!