Mikey Shorts Shows Some Indie iOS Game Lovin' In Latest Update
November 17, 2012
From one AppAdvice Game of the Week to another … Mikey Shorts, the extremely addictive game from indie developer BeaverTap Games, has recently received a modest but ultimately commendable update.
Mikey Shorts is a retro-inspired platformer in which you have to guide the title character across various levels. You can complete each level at your own pace. Or, if you want to be more competitive, you can do so as fast as you can but with the added challenge of collecting as many coins as you can in the process.
Either way, you can add a dash of glee to the proceedings by dressing Mikey up in different disguises.
You can choose from well over a hundred disguises in Mikey Shorts. And the newest among these are the 15 disguises brought by the game's latest update.
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Shown in the image above, these new disguises are special in that they are inspired by other iOS games created by various other indie developers.
"We wanted to give thanks to some of our favorite indie games for iOS," explains BeaverTap Games. "Every developer we contacted gave us permission to include a free disguise based on one of their games! We couldn't be happier with the response."
Without further ado, the indie games fondly featured in Mikey Shorts are:
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, Mikey Shorts is available in the App Store for $0.99. Download Mikey Shorts or update to its latest version now. And make sure to support the aforementioned indie games as well. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]