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Facebook Update Brings Voice Messages And Video Recording

January 28, 2013
It has been a nice day for updates. After Apple officially released iOS 6.1 to the public, Facebook is joining in with version 5.4 of its popular app. Most notably, the new version gives users the ability to send voice messages to their friends and to record and share videos directly from the app. This option comes less than a week after competitor Twitter launched its own video sharing service for the iPhone, Vine. Users can also share and connect with their favorite place using the improved Nearby tab in the app. Facebook is a universal app for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. It can be downloaded in the App Store now. There’s no word on when the much-touted Graph Search feature will make an appearance in the iOS apps.

Mentioned apps

Facebook, Inc.
Vine - Make a scene
Vine Labs, Inc.

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