Dude, Where's My Pin? Pinterest For iOS Now Lets You Search Your Own Pins
June 12, 2013
A week after its debut on the Web, the ability to search for your own pins has now arrived in Pinterest for iOS as well.
The official iOS app of the popular pinboard-style photo-sharing site has just received a new update that brings said ability along with a couple of other improvements.
To search your own pins, just go to the Search tab and enter your search keywords. Then, you have the option to display search results from "Just my pins." This way, it's much easier for you to find something you've already pinned for whatever purpose you have in mind.
As it happens, Pinterest now also lets you find out when you've already pinned something.
Also, it now lets you pin and pick boards more quickly. Just tap and hold on a pin and tap a board to repin that pin onto your selected board.
The new version of Pinterest is available now in the App Store for free. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 5.0 or later.
Pinterest launched on iOS a couple of years ago as an app optimized for iPhone and iPod touch only. But it finally went universal with native iPad support in October last year.
The app's previous update introduced support for additional information for product, recipe and movie pins. This enhancement, in turn, followed push notification support and other improvements brought by the prior update.
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