Apple Supports World AIDS Day By Going (RED) In-Store And Online On Dec. 1
December 1, 2013
Apple is once again showing its support for World AIDS Day by giving its retail and online stores a (RED) makeover.
Observed on Dec. 1, World AIDS Day is aimed at raising awareness of AIDS and at raising funds for organizations set up to fight the pandemic. One of these organizations is the Global Fund, which is backed by U2 frontman Bono's Product (RED) brand, which, in turn, has long been supported by Apple.
As noted by 9to5Mac, in observation of World AIDS Day, Apple logos in some Apple retail stores have been rendered in the signature color of the Product (RED) brand. Also, Apple has begun highlighting some Product (RED) merchandise items that are available to purchase from its online store.
Apple's Product (RED) page states that for every purchase of a Product (RED) merchandise item, a portion of the purchase price is given to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa:
Every day 900 babies are born with HIV. (RED) works with companies like Apple to fight for an AIDS‑free generation by creating (PRODUCT)RED merchandise. A percentage of gross profits from the sale of those products goes to the Global Fund to help fund AIDS programs in Africa. Since its introduction, (PRODUCT)RED has generated more than $215 million for the Global Fund — more than $65 million from Apple alone. You can help make an impact by purchasing a (PRODUCT)RED iPod or (PRODUCT)RED accessories for iPhone and iPad.Apple's Product (RED) merchandise includes (RED) versions of iPod shuffle, iPod nano, iPod touch, iPad mini smart cover, iPad mini smart case, iPad Air smart cover, iPad Air smart case, iPhone 4S bumper, and iPhone 5s case. Just a week ago, Apple also figured prominently in a special charity auction for the benefit of Product (RED). The auction featured a couple of special edition Apple products co-designed by Apple design chief Jony Ive and renowned industrial designer Marc Newson: a red Mac Pro, which fetched $977,000, and a pair of solid rose gold Apple EarPods, which was sold for $461,000.