Cydia Tweak: Link iOS Apps To Your Fingerprints Using Touchy
Remember Touchy, the Touch ID-powered app shortcut tweak we first told you about last week? It’s now available to download in the Cydia Store for $1.99, providing iPhone 5s users with another means of showing off Touch ID to their pals.
Once you’ve got Touchy installed on your jailbroken iPhone 5s, a new pane added to the built-in Settings app makes it possible for users to assign iOS apps to individual fingerprints. Your scanned fingerprints will appear here, and users can go through one by one and assign each fingerprint an application.
You can also enable or disable the jailbreak tweak outright, and a “Vibrate on Match Failure” feature can also be activated.
Plus, a respring button is included, too. This is because a visit to the Touch ID Settings app page stops Touchy from working, for some reason. The good news though is that “a simple respring” corrects the problem, as developer Mitch explains in the jailbreak tweak’s settings.
As a reminder, Touchy is the most recent in a line of Touch ID-enhancing jailbreak tweaks which have reached the Cydia Store in recent weeks. There’s been Virtual Home - one of the first Touch ID jailbreak tweaks, and one that can help your Home button to last longer - BioProtect, and AppLocker for iOS 7.
For those of you looking to assign app shortcuts to your fingerprints, Touchy can be downloaded in the Cydia Store for $1.99, and it’s of course optimized for the iPhone 5s only.
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