Popular GoodReader App Gets Redesigned For iOS 7 And Updated With New Features
January 6, 2014
The popular feature-rich PDF reader app GoodReader has just received a new feature-rich update.
First off, the latest update to GoodReader introduces a new iOS 7-inspired interface. While not exactly flat, this new interface, which has a new tool layout, bears a design that's more in line with the visual style of the latest iteration of Apple's mobile operating system.
The update also brings full compatibility with iOS 7 and faster PDF rendering for certain PDF files.
Furthermore, it introduces a new and improved audio player. Now, GoodReader's audio player operates in the background, letting you read your files while listening to audio.
The new GoodReader update also includes the following enhancements:
The update also adds a new path bar on the app's iPad edition. Located at the top, this bar allows for easier navigation through large file structures. The new versions of GoodReader for iPad and GoodReader for iPhone are available now in the App Store as free updates or as new downloads for $4.99 each. Both apps are compatible with devices running iOS 5.0 or later. GoodReader is included in AppAdvice's PDF Readers For iPad, PDF Annotation Apps, and Best Secure File Locker Apps AppGuides, as well as in AppAdvice's iPad Apps for the Workplace, Accessing Servers From Your iPad, and Apps For Comic Geeks AppLists. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- new Manage Files button - Flatten Copy. You can now flatten many files with a single button click, no need to open them and flatten them manually one by one
- Import from / Export to Photo Albums is now done directly from the file list, allowing to export multiple files at once
- every entry in the file list now has a convenient “tools” button, which enters the file management mode and instantly selects the file for managing
- files can now be starred and tagged with 7 different colors. You can search for individual color tags separately.
- when emailng a bunch of PDFs, there is now an option to flatten them all at once prior to sending
- images can now be copied to clipboard, for other apps (such as Mail) to use them later
- images put to clipboard by other apps can now be saved as standalone files in GoodReader
- Find Files list now has three sections, dividing found files by their location - In This Folder, Subfolders, Elsewhere
- support for iWork 2013 files (iOS 7 is required). Older iWork files, iWork’08, can now be opened even if they haven’t been saved with the “Include Preview” option.
- standalone audio and video files linked from parent HTML files can now be opened from inside that HTML
- tons of other enhancements and stability improvements