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Cydia Tweak: Bring Barrel To The iOS Dock With DockFlow

March 24, 2014

DockFlow is a recently launched jailbreak tweak that brings the popular Barrel package to the iOS dock. You can pick up DockFlow for $1.99 on the Cydia Store, and it’s optimized for iOS 7 and ARM64-devices.

As a reminder, Barrel, developed by Aaron Ash (@aaronash), is one of the Cydia Store’s most celebrated jailbreak tweaks. It works by enabling a host of impressive and unique animations at the iOS Home screen, allowing users to easily add an interesting twist to Apple’s mobile OS.

Though Barrel indeed works at the Home screen, DockFlow, as its name suggests, brings a similar selection of animations to the dock.

Once downloaded and installed, the $1.99 package lets jailbreakers add as many apps to their iOS dock as they wish. From here, you can then cycle through your dock using one of 10 different preconfigured animations.

You can choose an animation from inside the Settings app, and here DockFlow’s preferences pane also allows users to enable or disable the package outright, to activate labels, and to allow for continuous scrolling.

More precise options, such as icon spacing and scroll speed, are also available to configure.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when using DockFlow, however. First, even though the package is called “DockFlow” in the Cydia Store, online and even inside of the jailbreak tweak itself the developer seems to refer to it as “BarrelDock.” Don’t let this confuse you: in order to find the package in Cydia, you’ll need to search for “DockFlow.”

The other point is that DockFlow’s developer has stressed that packages including Five Icon Dock and InfiniDock should be removed before DockFlow is purchased and installed.

As mentioned, you can pick up DockFlow for $1.99 on the Cydia Store, and it’s optimized for both iOS 7 and ARM64-devices.

For a number of our favorite iOS customization packages, be sure to check out our articles on StatusBarSuite, TinyGrid+, Grabber, and Springtomize 3.

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