Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Updated With New Far Future World Plus Fan-Favorite Zen Garden
March 28, 2014
Plants vs. Zombies 2, the free-to-play sequel to PopCap's wildly popular lane defense strategy game, has just gone to the Far Future through its latest update.
The new update actually brings the first expansion pack for the game, which introduces the new Far Future world. Far Future comes with 24 new levels, eight new plants, and 10 new zombies from the future.
The update also brings the beloved Zen Garden from the original Plants vs. Zombies, where you can make plants bloom with more boom. Here you can also summon the garden's resident bumblebee to pick up the pace.
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According to Electronic Arts, PopCap's parent company, the following are some of the new allies you can count on to defeat the new zombies and their futuristic contraptions in Plants vs. Zombies 2:
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 6.0 or later, the new far-out version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 is available now in the App Store for free. For the details of the game's previous major updates, see also: PopCap Shows You Who's The Zomboss In Latest Update To Plants Vs. Zombies 2, Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Gets Gargantuan Update, Including New Map And New Features, and Let's Get The Piñata Party Started In Plants Vs. Zombies 2. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Citron - Use the Citron to deal damage to Mechs, such as the Robo-Cone Zombie and the Disco-tron 300.
- Laser Bean - You’ll need new abilities to fight off Shield Zombie. Lucky for you, Laser Bean has the power to pierce right through their defenses.
- Infi-Nut - Put Infi-Nut in front of your plants for protection, as they can regenerate health before the next wave attacks! Their plant food shield can also block Jetpack Zombies.
- E.M. Peach - If you want to disable mech zombies before they gobble up your sunflowers, invest in E.M. Peach.
- Magnifying Grass - Tap on the Magnifying Grass to send out a powerful blast!
- Star-Fruit - Star-Fruit will shoot stars in five directions! Fancy, huh?
- Blover - Overwhelmed by Jetpack Zombies? Use a Blover to blow away them all away!
- The Zen Garden Bee - You might need to pick up the pace a little. The Zen Garden Bee can speed up time!