Carrot Fit 3.0 features 'most entertaining' integration with Health app on iOS 8
When he updated Carrot To-Do and Carrot Alarm last month, developer Brian Mueller aka Grailr promised an upcoming update to Carrot Fit that would include “the most entertaining integration you’ll ever see with the new Health app.”
And sure enough, just ahead of the launch of iOS 8, on which Health and the HealhKit platform make their debut, that promised update has been issued to Carrot Fit. As explained by Carrot, the eponymous cheeky AI who keeps things running in the fitness app as well as in its eponymous to-do and alarm clock apps:
Now I can sync your weight and workout data with Apple’s all-new Health app. I can also monitor – and comment on! – fitness activity logged with other HealthKit-compatible apps, even when you’re not actively using me. I am going to have so much fun with this.
In addition, Carrot Fit now features a step counter on iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, or iPhone 6 Plus running iOS 8. This starts as a simple pedometer viewable from your profile, but it expands with goals, icon badge support, and more as you progress. Alternatively, its additional features may be unlocked via the Forced March Pack in-app purchase.
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The latest update to Carrot Fit, which brings the app to version 3.0, also introduces punishments. Punishments are served by Carrot for underperforming, and they include “ads, calorie shaming alerts for foods you enter into a HealthKit-compatible calorie counter app, and random squirrel attacks.” If those prove too much for you to handle, you can disable punishments in the app’s settings.
The update also gives rise to a switch in Carrot Fit’s integrated backup service, from iCloud sync to Dropbox sync, which can be enabled in the settings section. This change is apparently brought about on account of Apple’s new privacy requirements.
Carrot 3.0 also includes bug fixes, miscellaneous improvements, and display adjustments for the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus.
Oh, and it also makes Carrot Fit universal and natively compatible with iPad and iPad mini as well as iPhone and iPod touch, for which the app was first released late last January.
Carrot Fit 3.0 is available now on the App Store as a free update or as a new $2.99 download.
Get with the program, meatbags!