Raid Leader Game Trailer: We Like The Look Of This iOS RPG
Get your raiding pants on, RPG nerds! Raid Leader will be out next week—check out the trailer!
Get your raiding pants on, RPG nerds! Raid Leader will be out next week—check out the trailer!
Foodspotting’s aim has been to replace the restaurant menu, and with the newest update, maybe that is finally becoming a reality.
Check out this handy, and durable, iPhone lens case from Photojojo.
Do you want to create photo collages on your iPad? Enter to win a copy of Collage Pro HD!
AppAdvice has teamed up with McLean Mobile to give you a chance to win this alarm app!
VIPorbit for iOS is a feature rich contact manager that helps users manage and build their social network.
At Macworld 2012, Apparent Software unveiled the new Doxie Go scanner with Wi-Fi.
XMG Studio is releasing some great games this year, and we have a Macworld exclusive.
Launch Center for the iPhone now has the ability to set scheduled launches of apps and other tasks.
Beta invites to Wunderkit are rolling out. What do you think of this social productivity suite?
Twitter is turning their focus more on algorithm-based services for news consumption.
Twitter just purchased the social summarizing tool Summify.
If you're looking for an affordable, simple iPhone stand, you may want to check out the iKliK.
These iPhone cases, that are coming soon, are definitely wacky.
Apple posted an educational video, in order to tell us more about this partnership with education.
We have 10 copies of the Magic Hour photography app to give away to our readers!
Law & Order: Legacies brings the crime scene and court room to your iDevice.
AppStart for iPhone is only free for a little while longer, go grab it in the App Store now!
The OmniGroup shares Omni Sync stats with us, and plans on adding the service to more apps.
In attempts to become even more environmentally friendly, Apple is making halogen-free power cables.
Mike Daisey wanted to know who made his Apple devices, so he traveled to China to find out.
This week, Apple has released its annual Supplier Responsibility Report and has also joined the Fair Labor Association.
One of our readers created this iPhone 5 mock-up video and shared it with us.