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Robin Rhys

Robin Rhys

Robin Rhys is the senior editor for, and the host, writer and producer of AppAdvice Daily. She received a B.A. from California State University, Northridge in Broadcast Journalism and Political Science. As a Tech Journalist, she focuses on mainly iDevice specific news and reviews, and spends most of her days digging through the App Store.  
Latest from Robin
AppAdvice Daily: St. Patrick's Day Special!

AppAdvice Daily: St. Patrick's Day Special!

Saint Patrick's Day is right around the corner, so we have all the apps you'll need to bring some Irish Luck to your holiday. From games, to Irish slang dictionaries, to bar finders, to taxi apps - we have you covered.

Robin Rhys
AppAdvice Daily: iPad 3 Rumor Roundup

AppAdvice Daily: iPad 3 Rumor Roundup

Rumors about the iPad 3 are coming out of our ears. Leaked parts and pictures are all over the Web. But, what does it all mean? Well no need to search from article to article to try and get the scoop. Today I'm going to break it all down.

Robin Rhys