Why An ‘iPhone nano’ Just Won’t Fly
Those "iPhone nano" rumors are back. Why all the talk is hogwash.
Those "iPhone nano" rumors are back. Why all the talk is hogwash.
With rumors swirling Apple may release a new iPhone today (or not), little has been said about the rumored iPhone nano. Could a smaller iPhone be what's coming today?
While we may see one someday, don’t count on the release of an iPhone nano in 2011. A new report from The New York Times says a smaller iPhone won't debut anytime soon.
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The rumor of an upcoming iPhone Nano is going stronger than ever, with bits of information on the reportedly upcoming device coming from every direction.
The next generation iPhone is expected later this year. With it, don’t be surprised if we see a first generation iPhone nano too.
Following a report from Bloomberg earlier this week, it's now The Wall Street Journal's turn to confirm the rumor of an upcoming second smaller iPhone.
It's definitely not as big and as old an Apple rumor as the Verizon iPhone was, but we've heard speculation about Apple releasing a second, smaller iPhone "nano," just like they did for the iPod.