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Jony Ive's New Yorker Interview

Apple's Jony Ive Meets With The New Yorker to Discuss iPhone X, Jobs

The People Behind Apple
October 11, 2017

You can watch Jony Ive’s New Yorker interview right here …

Apple’s design guru Jony Ive recently met with The New Yorker ahead of the iPhone X launch. His entire interview has now been posted online.

During the interview, Ive discussed Apple’s hatred for the first smartphones and why that led to the creation of the first iPhone. He said we deserved a “sincere effort.”

Additionally, Ive noted the importance Apple has placed on team building. He said he will always remember the process more than the products. “Focus” is very important.

He called the late Steve Jobs the “most wonderful teacher.”

Ive explained during the development of the iPhone X that 99 percent of the time things they were testing didn’t work. “Must prepare to be wrong” when “trying to do something new.”

The New Yorker’s interview with Jony Ive was held on Friday, Oct. 6.

See also: