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The AppAdvice Tech Week in Review: A Bad Week for Apple on Wall Street

Apple Announces
May 1, 2016

It was a busy week in tech as Apple announced its earnings for the most recent quarter. Here’s a look back at the week that was.

Top news stories

Top news stories

Apple’s bad quarter

For the first time in more than a decade, Apple notched a quarterly drop in revenue. In the second fiscal quarter of 2016, which ended on March 26, Apple recorded $50.6 billion in revenue and $10.5 billion in profit. That’s compared to $58 billion in revenue and a $13.6 billion profit in the same quarter last year.

On Wall Street, Apple suffered its worst week since 2013.

The FBI gains new hacking tools

A new rule change approved by the U.S. Supreme Court could make it easier for law enforcement like the FBI to surveil computer networks.

The high court approved a change that would allow judges to issue search warrants to access computers located in any jurisdiction. Previously, magistrate judges could only allow searches in their jurisdiction that usually includes just a few counties.


Apple’s CareKit launches

The latest stage in Apple’s mission to improve healthcare across the world, CareKit, is now rolling out to patients across four brand new iOS applications. The new apps utilize CareKit in order to improve pregnancy, depression medication, and diabetes-tracking.

After launching HealthKit and ResearchKit, Apple last year announced CareKit: a new framework designed to help developers and medical professionals give patients control over their own care. It’s completely open source and was expected to become available this month; now, the first iOS applications to use CareKit have launched.

Other news:

Accessory news

Accessory news

The number of Smart Connector-enabled accessories is growing once again thanks to Logitech. Its new Logi Base charging stand is compatible with both the 12.9-inch and 9.7-inch iPad Pro.

Either iPad Pro model is placed into a great landscape media viewing angle on the charging stand. Magnets in the charging cradle help guide the tablet quickly into place.

You can also place an iPad Pro in a vertical position on the stand, but it won’t charge since the Smart Connector is located on a horizontal edge.

Powered with the included Lightning cable, the base is made with anodized aluminum and should look great with either tablet.

More accessory news:

The week ahead

May the force be with you
The week ahead

A festive week awaits, with Star Wars Day being celebrated on May 4, and Cinco de Mayo following a day later.


What will be making news next week? Stay with AppAdvice to find out.

Brent DirksKaren FreemanTrevor Sheridan, and Joe White contributed to this report.