NotesBox Lets You Write Yourself A Quick Note With No Fuss

NotesBox ($2.99) by Chris Yates is a productivity app that makes it easy to write down a quick note, and refer back to it later for more in-depth productivity. Do you want to make sure you stop by the store on your way home from work? Write yourself a note.

This app lets you write Quick Notes that can be edited later. If you want to write down a phone number, or remember the name of a movie someone recommended, type it in using Quick Note and finish the current conversation. Then, when you have time later on, add more information about the movie like who told you about it, where to get it, and any other important information. Then, move it to the correct note box so you will know where it is when you look for it later.
You can create different boxes for notes. Each box can be labeled, renamed, and moved to a different location on the main screen. If you use one box more often than others, move it to the top of the list.
To create a box, tap the “Edit” button at the bottom while you are at the main screen. Then, tap the “New” tab. You can name the box and change the color. If you want multiple categories with different subcategories, color-coding them will keep them organized. For example you could have three different work-related boxes that are all red, or two shopping list boxes that are both orange.
Once you’ve created your boxes, add notes to them. Tap on a box and then tap the rectangle in the upper right corner of the app. In this menu, you can create a new note, reorder current ones, and move or delete them. After you’ve created a new note, it will automatically be saved in that box.
If you want to edit a note, or send it to someone through email, select the one you would like to edit. You can change the name and add more information in the body of the note. For example, you could create a note titled “Grocery List” and then add the items you will need to buy at the grocery store to the body.
You can also move notes to any other preexisting box, including the Inbox. When you write a Quick Note, it will automatically be saved in your Inbox, but you may want to move it to the appropriate location later on.
I like the simplicity of this app. I often have ideas that I want to quickly write down, or get recommendations from friends that I want to remember. This app lets you write a note without interrupting the conversation, but lets you edit it later on. That way, you won’t forget why you wrote down, “The Goode Family,” which is a note that I left myself a week ago and can’t remember what it means.

I don’t like how expensive this app is. It is about three times what it is worth. I understand that building good quality apps is a difficult and time consuming process, but this app does not offer enough features to make it worth the premium price of $2.99.
Overall, this is productivity app is easy to use and has a clean interface and modern design. It is a good quality app, but the price is just too high. The amount of features does not justify the cost. However, other than the price, it is a great app.
We are giving away five copies of NotesBox to our lucky readers. Leave a comment below for a chance to win. The contest will end on Thursday, April 18 at 11:59 p.m. CDT.
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