Apps For Emergencies
These are not apps you’ll use every day. However, it’s a good idea to have some of them on your iPhone for when the unexpected happens. Even better, familiarize yourself with their content in your leisure time so you can meet any emergency situation with confidence. In a real emergency, battery power will be an issue, so the more you know ahead of time, the better off you'll be.

wikiHow: How to and DIY Survival Kit
First things first: an app that would be good to check out before you find yourself in any emergency situations. This popular app covers just about every emergency situation you could think of - and many that would probably not occur to you! In addition to CPR and First Aid, you can get a quick primer on how to deliver a baby. You never know. Personally, I can’t imagine a situation where I’d need to know how to swim safely with piranas or control a spooked camel, but Wikihow can! Peruse this fascinating app at your leisure, because you probably won’t be whipping out your phone while trying to survive an avalanche, escape a car on a cliff edge, or survive a long fall.

RepairPal: Auto Repair Expert
Most of us spend a great deal of time in our cars, and statistically, it IS the place where we are most likely to have an emergency situation. RepairPal offers immediate roadside assistance via their toll free number. In addition, they list the warranty services/manufacturer helplines for every car company. You can make the calls from right inside the app. RepairPal gives you car repair estimates (both for fixing problems and routine maintenance) and locates the nearest repair shops. Everyone should have this free app on their iPhone.

iWrecked - Auto Accident Assistant
Anyone who drives should download this app, too. iWrecked is a great, full-featured, what-to-do-after-a-car-accident app. Check with your insurance company; many of them offer apps that do the same job but with direct access to your insurer. Any car accident app should have what iWrecked does: detailed accident log/report, place to store your car/insurance information/emergency numbers, and a taxi/tow locator.

Winter Survival Kit
People who live anyplace that gets "real" winters know to keep a winter survival kit in their cars: snow brush/ice scraper, water, food, blankets, and more. This app can help you pack that kit, but it also serves as your virtual survival kit. Enter emergency contacts so you can access them quickly if you are stranded, and use the handy gas calculator to figure out how long you'll be able to run your car's engine before you run out of gas.

In case you're incapacitated and unable to call for help, you'll want this one. Paramedics and hospital personnel will often look at a patient’s phone for an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number to know who to call for you, so it’s a good idea to have an app clearly labeled ICE. Smart-ICE4family, or the single guy/gal version, ICE4me, are examples of apps that allow you to input that information, and pertinent medical conditions (such as allergies) for the whole family. Also, keep your medical insurance information stored in the app for easy access when needed. Keep an app like this on your home page so emergency personnel can find it.

GotoAID First Aid
Emergencies can sometimes put you into a situation where you must give CPR or other aid to people around you. GotoAID contains First Aid and CPR information for people, dogs, and cats. You can also store all of your ICE information in this app, though the icon would not necessarily indicate that to a stranger looking at your phone. Get step-by-step instructions on how to perform basic CPR and First Aid for a large variety of situations. There is an option to have it all read to you so you don’t have to repeatedly handle your phone while dealing with the problem at hand. This information is cached, so it is accessible even without an internet connection. A “help” button brings up listings/directions for Hospitals, Police, Dentists, Clinics, Pharmacies and more.

The Merck Manual - Home Edition
In case the information in GotoAID is not detailed enough for you, there is plenty more in this app. The Merck Manual - Home Edition is an excellent app for at home and on the road emergencies. This manual has been written by more than 300 medical experts. It has information on animal bites, burns, chemical burns, fractures, head injuries, nose bleeds, and much more. This is an essential app for anyone that wants to have handy emergency information at their fingertips. The app works great on both the iPad and iPhone.

Pet First Aid: for Your Dog, Cat, Puppy, or Kitten
Emergencies happen not only to humans, but to animals too. While GotoAid has some pet information, this one is devoted to it. Any devoted pet parent will love Pet First Aid. Get detailed instruction on how to save your dog, cat, puppy or kitten in a medical emergency. Learn how to prevent pet accidents and injury. In addition, you can store all of your pet’s pertinent medical information in the app.

If you or your loved ones are hurt, sick, or injured, iTriage will help you determine what the problem may be. This app will also help you find a doctor, in case you do need medical assistance. You can even store your medical history right within the app. Everyone needs this app on their iDevice!

SAS Survival Guide
Now, if you frequently embark on outdoor adventures, you'll want to pick up SAS Survival Guide. This App Store darling is based on the million-copy bestselling book. Be prepared for urban disasters such as a plane crash, car accident, or building fire. Natural disasters such as a tornado, earthquake, and even a nuclear blast are covered as well. Learn how to survive in outdoor situations, even in extreme climates. Fully downloaded onto your device, no wi-fi or cell signal is needed. In addition to extremely detailed survival information and checklists, you will find videos, quizzes, a morse code signaling device, and a sun compass, which is useful for iPod Touch users who don’t have built-in GPS. The attractive and easy-to-understand user interface helps you navigate around the incredible depth of information in this app. A free lite version contains highlights.

Survival Pocket Ref
In case you don't want to shell out for SAS Survival Guide, Survival Pocket Ref is a fantastic buy for only $0.99. This iPad and iPhone app packs in tons of useful survival tips and information. Learn about first aid techniques, building shelters in both hot and cold environments, building a fire, finding food/water, and much more! You'll want to download this one now while you still have an internet connection!

SPOT Connect
The fact is that many places your outdoor adventures may take you simply won't have cell towers nearby. This satellite service allows you to be found anywhere on earth, whether you have a cellular signal or not. You do have to buy their hardware and sign up for their service, of course, but if you frequent no-cell-tower areas, it may be a worthwhile investment.

iMap Weather Radio -NWS Weather Alerts like a NOAA Weather Radio & Radar
No matter where you are or what you're doing, even if your phone is in "sleep" mode, iMapWeather Radio will wake up your iPhone and alert you when dangerous weather is on the way. If you're traveling, the app will automatically update to your current location. It's also a full-fledged weather app. Keep on top of potentially dangerous conditions with iMapWeather Radio.

!Emergency! is a must have for international travelers. You probably are aware that 911 is not a universal number. In different countries the emergency number varies from place to place. This app uses your location and provides a quick and easy way to get in touch with the emergency number in that area. If you travel outside the U.S., you'll want to grab this one.