Where was the quality assurance in iOS 9.3, Apple?
You’d think that seven betas would be enough for Apple to work all of the kinks out of iOS 9.3. The latest update underwent a significant amount of testing, and the update process was pretty smooth for those on more recent devices. However, we quickly learned that the latest version of the operating system was turning out to be a bucket of fail for older devices, and more problems keep mounting. The latest one can render Safari all but useless under iOS 9.3
What the deuce, Apple?
Why does clicking links in Safari lock the app up tighter than Fort Knox?
Apple introduced a number of great new features and enhancements with iOS 9.3. From the lengthy test period and number of beta versions, you’d think more than enough quality assurance testing went into the upgrade. So what, exactly, is going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about? Why is it, suddenly, that clicking links in Safari locks the app up tighter than Fort Knox?
Changes between beta and public release
It’s a pretty common thing for there to be changes between even the final beta of an update and its public release. After all, that’s what beta versions are for: finding bugs and then fixing them. However, the final version of an update should be thoroughly tested before it’s released into the wild, and I would speculate that’s not happening. What may be happening here is that Apple is changing too much between the final beta of its updates and their public releases. Cupertino, therefore, can’t do the testing it really should.
My suggestion: hold off on updating
I’m afraid I have little choice but to recommend waiting on the update, if you haven’t already installed it.
While there have been isolated reports of the Safari freezes and crashes happening even under iOS 9.2.1, but those incidents seem to be few and far between and are more related to tapping links from within apps. With the problems we’ve been seeing under iOS 9.3, however, and Apple’s continued silence on the issue, I’m afraid I have little choice but to recommend waiting on the update, if you haven’t already installed it. I suspect iOS 9.3.1 isn’t that far off.
If you haven’t seen the Safari bug for yourself and are the type who enjoy watching train wrecks in action, check out the video below of the browser locking up. Just click here if it fails to load.