Goodbye, Google Reader: Feedly Launches Its Own Cloud-Based Backend Service
June 12, 2013
Last week, we clued you in on DevHD's plans as it prepares Feedly, its popular news aggregator app, for life after Google Reader. Now, one of those plans have come to fruition, as signified by the latest update to the app.
Feedly is now powered by its very own cloud-based backend service. As such, it's no longer completely dependent on Google Reader, which is set to be shuttered by the end of this month.
"Let's all wish a happy retirement to Google Reader," says DevHD in the release notes for the new Feedly update.
To be sure, you can still continue to use Feedly with your Google Reader account. But you can rest assured that Feedly itself will, with luck, live long and prosper even after Google Reader's demise.
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, the new version of Feedly is available now in the App Store for free.
In the coming weeks and months, you can expect to enjoy Feedly integration in a number of other news aggregation apps, including Reeder and Newsify.
See also: Feedly Sends Out A New Update As They Say Hello To Google Reader Users, Extra! Extra! RSS Apps For Your iPad Google Can’t Kill, and Zite Reacts To Google Reader’s Demise While Prepping A New Web Product.
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