The Daily: Free Subscriptions, For A Few More Weeks
News Corp.'s The Daily has had its trial period extended once again. Fans of the publication can now enjoy the digital newspaper at no cost, until March 21.
News Corp.'s The Daily has had its trial period extended once again. Fans of the publication can now enjoy the digital newspaper at no cost, until March 21.
Thursday night’s AppAdvice Live! was a big hit. Those unable to catch it live can now download it. The show is available to download or stream on our Talkshoe page ...
Going live in just a few hours is the very first AppAdvice Live! AppAdvice Live! is our brand new interactive podcast. The show will start tonight at 7 P.M. PST/10 P.M. EST. You can join us in the chat room or jump on the call with us!
We'd like to invite everyone to join us for our very first, weekly AppAdvice Live! podcast. You can join in the fun by being on the show (by calling in), or hanging out in the chat room.
If it hasn't been obvious enough, the new "hot button" topic making its way through news and blog sites is the launch of Apple's App Store subscription service. The service isn't breaking news but the new tone it has brought along with it has started a slew of angry outbursts.
It was only this morning that Apple officially launched in-app subscriptions, and now, a handful of hours later, we are starting to see iPad magazine apps updated with this controversial yet highly sought after feature.
The UK-based newspaper, The Guardian, is reportedly planning on introducing a new “subscription-based app” in the App Store before Christmas. Read on to find out more ...
Apple’s iOS 4.3 software update has reportedly been delayed until 2011. Read on to find out more ...
Apple is reportedly planning on releasing iOS 4.3 in mid-December. Read on to find out more ...