Send Your Secret Messages Using Sicher, A New Encrypted Messaging App
Sicher can help keep your iPhone-composed messages private.
Sicher can help keep your iPhone-composed messages private.
Apple's newfound transparency has been celebrated in a recent report by the EFF.
Apple is offering both users and law enforcement officials more information on how and when user data can be requested.
Apple customers will soon be alerted when government agencies request access to their electronic data.
Russia is no longer using iPads in government due to security concerns, according to a recent report.
Rovio has just released a statement denying any form of collaboration with any government spy agencies that may be using Angry Birds for surveillance purposes.
The scale and specifics of the program are unknown.
In a newly released clip of the Apple CEO’s interview airing tonight, Cook says the agency doesn’t have access to its servers.
Apple says it is not a party to the NSA's DROPOUTJEEP spy program.
Is Apple helping the U.S. government spy on Americans?
Apple CEO Tim Cook and other key people from top tech companies are expected to attend a meeting with President Barack Obama on Tuesday, Dec. 17.
Apple has joined forces with a selection of other technology giants to appeal for a reform to the U.S. government's surveillance activities.
President Barack Obama has met with Apple CEO Tim Cook concerning government surveillance.
Apple has posted an open letter entitled "Apple's Commitment to Customer Privacy" to its website.