Today’s Apps Gone Free: Matcha, Mahjong Artifacts, DesignJot and More
Today’s AGF list includes a word processor, puzzle game, and business app.
Today’s AGF list includes a word processor, puzzle game, and business app.
Here's your chance to win Sudoku Solver Camera!
Love Sudoku, but don't feel like playing with numbers? How about shapes instead? That's just what you'll get in FlowDoku, a content-packed logic puzzler.
Discover the most useful and entertaining iOS apps from the last 24 hours.
This app turns what's usually a relaxing puzzle game into something fast-paced and exciting.
Experience sudoku in a whole new way.
Today's AGF list includes a simple and elegant night stand weather app, a few classic puzzle and strategy games morphed into beautiful digital versions, a very handy productivity app, something to show your significant other you care, and an app that makes special character entry a breeze.
This utility app will help you solve your Sudoku puzzles by offering a list of digit combinations that add up to the number given in the Sudoku puzzle's cages.
Grid Hack is a puzzle game based on Sudoku, but with an extra challenge. You have a grid of squares which must be filled up with numbers in such a way that each row and column has each number appear only once. The numbers must also give the correct answer to a math problem.
AppAdvice is offering you a chance to win one of two promo codes for the iPhone version of Kuluku. Comment/retweet this post before August 16 (11:59 EST) to enter.
For all the Sudoku and Karoku lovers out there, here is Kuluku! The new logic puzzler for your iDevice.
If you can sing it, then Hound can find it, we have an app for all you mathletes, plus some hot new iPad cases.
AppAdvice has teamed up with Kairos Development Co in order to offer you a chance to win one of five promo codes for Mathoku ($1.99) for iPad.
If you’re looking for a great justification for spending hours playing games on your iPad, look no further! Logic games are not only fun, they are good for your brain. Studies show that learning strengthens synaptic connections and it is important for good brain function to continually learn new and novel tasks. So get out that iPad and improve your brain activity with these logic games, which are all pleasure and no guilt.
From the makers of Hangman RSS and Guess The News comes a refresh of the classic Sudoku. Is it worth picking up for $2.99 on iPad or iPhone? Does this app stand out from all the Sudoku apps? Read on to find out.
The apps this week are among the most impressive apps I've seen for iPhone.