Let Others Know Of Your Word-Building Prowess With Letterpress' Replay Sharing
December 18, 2012
Letterpress, the wonderfully designed iOS word-building game created by Tweetie developer Loren Brichter, has just received its second update.
The game's first update, which was released a month ago, introduced a rematch function, among other enhancements. This time, the game's new update is introducing a replay function.
What's more, the new replay function comes with sharing options. Perfect for bragging about how good you are at this game.
You can share a replay for any game in Letterpress. Just tap the "Share Replay" button for the game you want to share. Then, you'll be presented with options to email, message, tweet, or copy the link to the replay page corresponding to the game.
The replay page is actually quite neat. It's an HTML5-enabled webpage, hosted on replay.letterpress.atebits.com, that shows the letter board and the played words for a particular Letterpress game.
It also includes a slider bar that invites you to "slide to play." Sliding through this bar replays the game, word after word.
Alternatively, you can tap on the board itself to advance from one played word to the next. Or you can tap on any of the played words to see how it was, er, played on the board.
You can see and try a replay page right here, which shows a game I recently played with Juli.
Note that it's not indicated which color is who. Perhaps to save the loser from word-building humiliation?
The latest update to Letterpress also delivers a number of other changes, which are logged in the release notes below. And yes, just like the release notes for the previous update, the following release notes are brimming with humor courtesy of the inimitable Brichter:
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad, Letterpress is available in the App Store for free. It comes with an optional $0.99 upgrade that unlocks unlimited game support, played words view, and premium themes. Also, Letterpress comes highly recommended from us here on AppAdvice. Shortly after its release, we awarded it the honor of being Game of the Week with near unanimity. Hmm, unanimity. I should remember to play that word in Letterpress when I get the chance. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]Share Replays! Now you can tweet, post, email or just hoard links to your games and show off yer skillz! (Requires iOS 6) CHRISTMAS is a proper noun. It's not allowed. Bah humbug. Loads of little tweaks. Improved dictionary. Handle orientation changes on iPad better. Clarified the "prefix" rule in the How To Play. Apparently the word "prefix" means something different to programmers and grammar geeks! The rule is actually really simple; it has nothing to do with roots, stems, definitions, moon cycles, or Latin derivations. It boils down to: no words found at the beginning of a previously played word. Easy. People read these. Neat. If I were smart I'd monetize all over your eyeballs.