Simogo's Bumpy Road Finally Bumps Into iPhone 5 Support
March 6, 2013
It may have been a long and winding road, but widescreen support has finally arrived for Bumpy Road.
As announced by Bumpy Road developer Simogo: "Enjoy the love story in widescreen - Bumpy Road is now iPhone 5 ready!"
Indeed, the wonderful platformer-with-a-bumpy-twist is now optimized for the four-inch screen of the iPhone 5 and the fifth-generation iPhone touch.
Bumpy Road's iPhone 5 update comes with a caveat, though. If you've been playing the game on a first-generation iPhone, an iPhone 3G, or a first- or second-generation iPod touch, note that this update will not run on any of those devices. Which is just as well, since it brings only iPhone 5 support anyway.
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Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 4.3 or later, the new iPhone 5-ready version of Bumpy Road is available now in the App Store as a free update or as a new $2.99 download.
Bumpy Road was released by Simogo on iOS in May 2011 to mostly positive reviews, including ours here at AppAdvice. A month later, it received its Sunday Trip Deluxe update, followed by its Autumn Years update the next month. It wouldn't get another update until April 2012, when it was updated with an under-the-hood feature that unlocks a special Bumpy Road theme in the popular to-do app Clear.
Rather disappointingly, none of the updates Bumpy Road has gotten so far include Retina iPad graphics optimization.
But the same can also be said of two of Simogo's other, similarly acclaimed games, Kosmo Spin and Beat Sneak Bandit.
Simogo's latest game, Year Walk, was released a couple of weeks ago — also to mostly positive reviews, including ours.
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