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Apple enables two-factor authentication for FaceTime and iMessage

Apple enables two-factor authentication for FaceTime and iMessage

February 12, 2015

Apple is beginning to roll out two-factor authentication protection for iMessage and Facetime. The news was first reported by The Guardian.

The optional security method could previously be enabled for both iCloud and your overall Apple ID. But the system can now be used to protect FaceTime and iMessage information.

To turn on two-factor authentication for your overall Apple ID, read the complete instructions here on Apple’s site.

If you’re currently logged into FaceTime and iMessage on your iOS devices, there shouldn’t be much of any issue. But if you ever sign out, and have the security protocol enabled, you’ll be asked for an app-specific password when you try to login.

That can be obtained by logging onto your Apple ID account on the Web using an authentication code.


Two-factor authentication at work. Image via MacRumors.

I do have two-factor authentication enabled on my Apple account, and received a message like the one above when I attempted to log back in to my iMessage and FaceTime account.

I’m very glad to see Apple allow users to add another layer of security to their accounts, especially after the nude celebrity photo hacking scandal last year. I highly recommend anyone add the two-factor security to their account.

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