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Samsung Related
War Of Words Between Apple And Samsung Gets Closer To Gutter

The fight between Apple and Samsung is getting nastier and this time the bullets are coming from Cupertino, California. Apple now says Samsung products “blatantly imitate” the iPhone and iPad’s appearance. This comes ahead of a Friday court hearing between the two, according to Cult of Mac.

Bryan M. Wolfe
On Second Thought, AMOLED Not Coming To iPad 3

Just days after a report surfaced that Apple would begin using Samsung’s AMOLED technology for the iPad 3, a new report refutes that claim. Samsung doesn’t have the capacity to manufacturer screens for the iPad 3, according to

An iPad 2 Clone, Even Down To The Box (Updated)

Just one month after Apple sued South Korean-based Samsung Electronics Co., claiming the electronics giant copied the look and feel of its iDevices, we now have proof by way of a series of photos of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 “Limited Edition.” What do you think?

Moving On, iPad 3 Rumors Begin To Surface

Moving On, iPad 3 Rumors Begin To Surface

Many would-be iPad 2 buyers are still trying to find a place to buy their tablets, but that hasn’t stopped the quiet flow of iPad 3 rumors. The latest comes from South Korean web portal Daum, which suggests the next iPad will come with a 2Ghz dual-core Samsung-CPU.

Bryan M. Wolfe