Make Calls And Send Text Messages With The Windows Phone 7 UI Using iCall+
The new app, iCall+, allows you to send messages and make calls through a beautiful, Windows Phone 7-like interface.
The new app, iCall+, allows you to send messages and make calls through a beautiful, Windows Phone 7-like interface.
My Tweet Pal is a new app for iOS that finds the most interesting tweets in your Twitter timeline for you to read.
IconRotator is a new tweak in Cydia, that makes up for the lack of landscape orientation support on the iPhone homescreen.
Spotify has replaced the iPod app for me, however, not being able to use Siri to control my music was quite disappointing. All that is about to change with the new AssistantLove tweak for Siri.
How can it be? After milking the series endlessly, is Rovio finally trying to create a brand new, non-Angry Birds title for iOS? Well, in a report from AllThingsD, that seems to be the case.
WeeToolbox is a new jailbreak tweak that adds five useful functions to Notification Center for quick access.
Ubisoft has announced Prince of Persia for iOS - and it's coming out March 1!
Gameloft has just released a significant update for their popular iOS first-person shooter, Modern Combat 3.
Warner Bros. has just released Midway Arcade in the New Zealand App Store.
Electronic Arts has just released The Simpsons Tapped Out in the Canadian App Store.
This new tweak plans to permanently bring Siri to most older generation iOS devices for free.
Mobile newspaper, The Daily, claims to have a build of Microsoft Office running on the iPad.
StreamBoard, the popular real time Twitter monitor for iOS just received a very significant update.
WonderCraft is an upcoming naval warfare game for iOS that lets you battle players online, in real time.
New screenshots of the purported iOS 5.1 Notes app have surfaced.
Wipe your phone or live without those new songs, it can be a tough decision. MultiTunes is here to help.
Battleloot Adventure is an upcoming, cross-platform, turn-based strategy game that has RPG elements.
The App Store is absolutely flooded with shooters, some good, some bad but which ones are the best? The folks at APPSPIRE.me have released a fun infographic highlighting the top 10 shooters in the App Store.
Streamified is an upcoming iOS app that allows you to add several social networking streams into a beautifully designed journal.
Dream Runner is an upcoming iOS running game that actually has a storyline.
The iCade is a successful iPad accessory and definitely revives those nostalgic arcade memories, but it just isn't convenient. It's huge! Now, here comes the smaller 8-Bitty.
AirBlue is a new jailbreak tweak that brings Bluetooth sharing functionality to the iPhone.
Android's successful personal assistant app, Speaktoit is now available in the App Store.
Bulletin is a new jailbreak tweak that does what Apple didn't: it allows you to access Notification Center from your lock screen.