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Jamie is a wordsmith with a passion for technology, gaming, and sarcasm. She loves her Apple products and eats social media for breakfast. When she's not writing here at AppAdvice (or going grammar Nazi all over everyone), you'll find her head-shotting zombies, thinking with portals, and laughing out loud at things only she finds amusing. Oh, and she's also really good at that Twitter thingy. Email: • Game Center: atjamie • Twitter: @atjamie
Latest from Jamie
Seven Features To Make Instagram Instantly Better
Instagram could use a few new features. Here are our top seven.
Introducing Pocket For Publishers: A New Way To Share And 'Save For Later'
Pocket, formerly Read It Later, has announced the new Pocket for Publishers.
SXSW 2013: We've Infiltrated Austin With iPhones
We're here at SXSW 2013 and invite you to follow along with us!
AppAdvice Will Be Live At CES 2013
AppAdvice is live at CES 2013 this week!
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Happy Holidays And A Happy New Year From The AppAdvice Team
'Appy Holidays' from the AppAdvice team!
Keep Your Hands Warm And Get Your Touchscreen On With The Etre FIVEPOINT Gloves
These lightweight gloves are perfect for the every day iPhone user who wants to stay warm this winter.
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Do You Want A Calypso Crystal iPhone Case Under Your Tree This Christmas?
The Calypso designer series by Lara Bohinc looks absolutely stunning — but is it worth the price tag?
'America's Finest News Source' Says Apple Has A Plan For Fixing The Maps App
The Onion has the scoop on how Tim Cook plans on fixing the Apple Maps problem.
Addappt Will Change The Way You Use Your Address Book, For The Better
Addappt is here to change the old school ways we still handle our address books.
You Know What Else Is iPhone 5 Optimized? This Pair Of Jeans
Need bigger pockets to hold that big ... iPhone 5? Well, you're in luck!
Apple Retail Stores Are Getting Into The Holiday Spirit With This New Display
Apple Retail Stores have a new kind of display this season.
Holiday Savings: Snag A Super Cheap iPad From Best Buy, Today Only
If you act fast, you can get a great deal on an iPad, today only, from Best Buy.
The Arctic Emote Stylus May Be The Perfect Stocking Stuffer
We go hands-on with the Emote stylus from Arctic.
The iPad mini Is Here: And It's Just Been ... Installed In A Toyota Corolla?
Want to install an iPad mini in your vehicle? These guys can help!
The iPhone 5: Wow, That Is A Bigger Change Than I Expected
The larger display on the iPhone 5 will really come in handy.
FistBump For ReaddleDocs: The First Bumped App, Now Free In AppsGoneFree
Meet the very first successfully bumped app from AppsGoneFree: ReaddleDocs is free today only!
AppsGoneFree 2.0 With AppBump Is Now Live: Let The App Revolution Begin
AppsGoneFree 2.0 is now live: Start bumping those apps!