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Top AppAdvice News & Apps Of The Past Week

As we spent much of the week wondering what Apple had in store for the 10th anniversary of its Retail Store concept, we got some disturbing news from AT&T. Meanwhile, while we waited for Aperture to come to the iPad, Playboy did just that. However, to get the venerable publication in iPad form, we needed to use a web app.

Future iPhone Buyers Likely To Select Verizon Over AT&T - Report

Future iPhone Buyers Likely To Select Verizon Over AT&T - Report

A new ChangeWave survey indicates Verizon iPhone owners are happier with their handheld service and received fewer dropped calls than AT&T users. Plus, new iPhone customers will mostly likely select Verizon over AT&T. The poll collected data from 4,068 consumers from the Verizon iPhone debut in early February through March 28.

Bryan M. Wolfe
AT&T Upgrade Rates Rise; iPhone 5 Months Away?

AT&T Upgrade Rates Rise; iPhone 5 Months Away?

AT&T iPhone 4 buyers hoping to upgrade to an iPhone 5 will have to pony up more cash to do so, according to new pricing first uncovered by Android Central. But, cheer up: upgrade fees have also gone up for Android phone owners too, but at a higher rate.

Bryan M. Wolfe
AT&T Offering iPad Customers One Month Of Free Data

AT&T Offering iPad Customers One Month Of Free Data

AT&T is currently giving away one month of free data with all iPad 3G sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying an original iPad or an iPad 2 – customers signing up for the “2GB DataConnect Personal Plan” get the first month free, which is a very good offer.

Joe White